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안드로이드 L 개발자용 프리뷰 다운로드 공개(넥서스5, 넥서스7 2013)


구글이 전일 Google I/O를 통해 공개한 안드로이드 메이저 업데이트인 '안드로이드 L(Android L)'의 개발자용 프리뷰 업데이트가 Android Developer를 통해 공개되었습니다.

Install the L Preview System Image

Warning: This is a preview version of the Android system image, and is subject to change. Your use of this system image is governed by the Android SDK Preview License Agreement. The Android preview system image is not a stable release, and may contain errors and defects that can result in damage to your computer systems, devices, and data. The preview Android system image is not subject to the same testing as the factory OS and can cause your phone and installed services and applications to stop working.

  1. Download and uncompress the Android Developer Preview package.
    Nexus 5 (GSM/LTE) 
    hammerhead-lpv79-preview-ac1d8a8e.tgzMD5: 5a6ae77217978cb7b958a240c2e80b57 
    SHA-1: ac1d8a8e4f4a1dca5864dc733caa940bffc28616
    Nexus 7 (Wifi) 
    razor-lpv79-preview-d0ddf8ce.tgzMD5: b293a5d3a4e07beabebcc0be85ad68a2 
    SHA-1: d0ddf8ce733ba2a34279cdff8827fd604762c2342d
  2. Follow the instructions at developers.google.com/android to flash the image onto your device.

Revert a Device to Factory Specifications

If you want to uninstall the L Preview and revert the device to factory specifications, go todevelopers.google.com/android and download the image you want to flash to for your device. Follow the instructions on that page to flash the image to your device.

Set up an AVD

You can set up Android Virtual Devices (AVD) and use the emulator to build and test apps with the L Preview.

To create an AVD with the AVD Manager:

  1. Install the L Preview SDK in your development environment, as described in Setting Up the Preview SDK.
  2. Follow the steps in Managing AVDs with AVD Manager. Use the following settings:
    • Device: Either Nexus 5 or Nexus 7
    • Target: Android L (Preview) - API Level L

드로이드 L 다운로드 : http://developer.android.com/preview/setup-sdk.html

tgz형태로 배포된 롬파일은 넥서스5와 넥서스7(2013)용으로만 배포되었으며, 데이터가 소실되므로 안드로이드 L 프리뷰 업데이트전 반드시 백업을 해야 합니다.
