지난해 7월 안드로이드 5.0 기반의 Paranoid Android 개발을 마지막으로 개발이 멈춰져 있던 파라노이드팀이 안드로이드 6.0 기반의 AOSP기반의 커스텀롬인 'Paranoid Android 6.0'을 공개하였습니다.
6월 6일자로 업데이트된 파라노이드 안드로이드 6.0안 넥서스6P, 넥서스5X, 넥서스7(2012/2013), 넥서스9를 비롯해 엑스페리아 Z 시리즈등 다양한 스마트폰을 지원하며, Immersive 등 기존의 기능과 함께 새로운 UI인 on-the-spot, CyanogenMod 테마 엔진 지원등 다양한 기능이 추가되었습니다.
- 원문 -
Paranoid Android 2016 Launch
We are launching brand spanking fresh. All new features. New team members. New everything and we have made sure that everything that we are releasing has been polished to our best.
The main features and enhancements that you will probably end up noticing are our custom Quick Settings tile reordering functionality, floating window support, immersive mode, the new on-the-spot interface and CM Theme Engine.
Quick Settings tiles can be managed with ease - you can reorder the tiles by simply long pressing them, remove them by dropping them in the trash bin and add them back in from the add panel. The hidden tiles will be out of your way when checking the notifications but will still be usable from the add panel without any hassles if you want to do that all of a sudden.
You can make an application float either by long pressing a notification and tapping the floating button or by tapping the floating button for the application in the recents list. Additionally, you can make peeking (heads-up) notifications open floating windows by enabling that behavior in the "Floating peek" tile.
Those are not the only changes and features we have added. There are a variety of improvements to CAF devices (OnePlus, OPPO and others) which add custom kernels, advanced gesture and buttons control and more to provide a great experience on those devices. Of course we have spent a lot of attention on making all the visual details look right and on making all the functionality work right.
Over the months we have gained a bunch of new team members. We are now ready for all varieties of work - be it low level, aesthetics, user experience, motion design, testing or anything in-between. What we strive for is the best and we are stronger than ever to reach that.
On Paranoid Android 2016 launch we are supporting popular Nexus devices (6P, 5X, 6, 5, 4, 7 2013, 9) and the OnePlus family (One, 2, X) along with some Sony devices. The lineup is this way to make sure we release the best possible experience on all the devices we release for. No compromises, pure greatness.
We highly recommend everyone to use BANKS GApps package (hold off on OpenGapps for now, we have heard some complaints). Nexus 6P users need to make sure their vendor partitions are up-to-date (6.0.1). Our Nexus 5X builds come with a prebuilt vendor image so no worries for you folks!
다운로드 : http://get.aospa.co/official
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